
Random rubbish from the motor sport world

Friday, March 2, 2007

Push butan, make entry, brag.

Apparently I can log into this site too, and my name isn’t Mark. I also have some odd semblance of sentence structure and typing accuracy. I think it is sadly inversely proportional to race speed. Or not.

February 24th was a pretty regular day for most people, but it was a nice one for me. I got to race again in the dirt, which is where the real (idiots) race. My luck, unlike Marcus aka Cat Terrist aka a bloody crazy Australian, was quite nice. In his defense, none of us are quite sure why he crashed.
I had zero dramas getting to the course, from the course, and everything in between. I’m also apparently 2nd in Prepared Rear Drive in the entire SE US SCCA region.

Car # Drivers Name Class Make/Model Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Run 4 Run 5 Run 6 Total O/A Class
1 Alfonso Lopez PF VW Golf 260 251 247 239 243 238 1478 8 3 PF
91 Chris Casale PR Nissan 240 SX 266 268 251 253 247 254 1539 9 1 PR
83 Juan Valdivieso SA Subaru Impreza 267 263 260 250 260 244 1544 10 2 SA

As you can see, I start off very inconsistent and then settle down, knocking off about ten seconds. These are in hundreths of a minute, because for some reason that’s how the timing equipment is. Nothing to complain about, really. 9th overall in a slow, old tired beaten car that needs a lot of work isn’t too awful either, although I should have gotten 7th or 8th. My first two runs hurt a lot, part of it because I don’t drive the 240SX every day, and part of it because I hadn’t been in the dirt since November. If I sound like I’m whining, I am. Goddamn do I love getting that car dirty.

Now, the list of shit that needs to be fixed:

  1. The far battery mount broke, not surprising, the attachment point is 18 year old plastic.
  2. Need new shocks all-around.
  3. Bushings. Oh god the clunks.
  4. Stiffer springs. The car rolls too much much much too much.
  5. New power steering rack. A quick ratio if I can get one. The current one is a dismal number of turns to lock

So there, Mark doesn’t have monopoly on whining.

On the other hand, the future is bright! I am bringing my car up to Moroso and will smack it with wrenches (spanners) and hammers and screwdrivers and poke things.

posted by admin at 2:44 pm  

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