
Random rubbish from the motor sport world

Friday, August 24, 2007

Hello? Hello? Is this thing on?

It’s been a while since I visited this altar of published text distribution method thingy. Hi! I’m the dumb bastard who drives a 240SX with an open diff in dirt. I’m feeling a bit down lately, as I fear my trusty steed might be going to that big dirt road in the sky. Yes. Such a time must eventually come, when a combination of funds run short and time runs shorter, and the car is decided to be worth very little to fix.

I did an assessment of what needed to be replaced on the car, even if the tired, thrice overheated 275km single cam motor still has life (compression)

  • Every single bushing needs to be replaced
  • New shocks
  • New springs
  • New steering rack
  • Body has minor rust
  • Car needs a cage
  • Diff (My Kingdom for a Diff!)

I’m looking at 4k to do it remotely right. I don’t really have that sort of money, as I’d rather buy another $1000 car and throw the rest into going to overseas next year.

I realize I have not provided any updates for a long time, and it’s a bit shameful. I am usually too busy at the events to snap photos.

Back to your regularly scheduled entertaining posts.

posted by admin at 1:41 pm  

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